The basics of a remarketing campaign involve continuing to advertise to customers who have purchased your products. Some businesses apply this to people who have visited your website even if they haven’t bought anything yet.
Remarketing in a Nutshell
This concept takes advantage of the fact that you’ve already invested significant money in advertising to get someone to the point of visiting your website or store. Why waste it? It’s better to keep marketing to people who have already shown interest in your products than spend all of your marketing budget advertising to the general public.
These days, remarketing campaigns benefit from high-tech features. You can customize what type of individual to advertise to, how, and when. It’s possible to create focused advertising that looks at keywords, landing pages, and purchase history.
Examples of Remarketing in Action
Online stores use this technique extensively. Do you remember the last you were shopping for an item and the website prompted you to sign up for email reminders letting you know about discounts? This is a subtle form of remarketing. The customer is focused on saving money, and the business benefits by encouraging customers to shop at the same store in the future.
Another way a remarketing campaign works is by leveraging Google Ads or Bing Ads to show people specific ads for your products as they browse online. Cookies on your website can help you suggest similar products to those visitors have purchased before, sometimes with text such as “You might also be interested in this product” or “Other customers also purchased these items.”
Tips for Effective Remarketing
There are many ways to make your online advertising more effective. First and foremost, choose a digital marketing agency with experience in a wide variety of advertising methods, including SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, Google AdWords, pay-per-click ads, and remarketing campaign planning.
Next, take the time to understand your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your advertising and your products? What interests, problems, needs, and goals do they have?
It’s common for businesses to have several main groups of customers. Your remarketing can be more effective if you develop specific content for each of these groups individually. For example, the keywords and topics that work best for corporate executives are likely going to be very different than those for small business owners. The same thing applies to companies that sell to people of a wide range of ages and circumstances.