Websites are some of the first impressions that many companies have with their clientele. A well-designed and organized website has the power to improve the relationship between a customer and company; however, this can also work the other way. If you want to ensure that your web presence is in tip-top shape for your upcoming website redesign, here are a few factors you cannot forget.

Organization of Your Site

The page structure itself requires a great deal of attention. If you alter or upset the structure of your website, you can lose your relevance and ranking. Whether you are improving your links and content or improving the architecture of your site, you need to ensure that it is running optimally.

Avoid Broken Links

A broken link is one of the easiest mistakes to make during the reconstruction process. You need to make sure that all of your links work to avoid frustration on your audience’s end.

Fix 404 Server Responses

If you come across a 404 response in your website after your website redesign, you need to go back and fix it. While this may appear to be an error, it can often be indicative of a larger issue that will require further attention.

Remove Pages Without Sufficient Content

Having a web page just to have another page on your site is bound to reduce its impact and usability. If your page is thin and has little to offer in terms of content, consider cutting it. Focus your attention on building more robust web pages so that your website operates more effectively.

Avoid Duplications

While offering duplicated information on your website is not a major issue, it can become confusing for users to navigate. While search engines can typically parse out the best result, if you want your page functioning optimally, you need to avoid duplicate information.

Test in Safe Spaces

When you are considering a redesign of your site, it is always better to duplicate your site as a staging area. By adding password protection and a search engine block, you can use this as your sandbox to test out any changes. This can help you build a more robust and refined website.

Always Run Tests and Diagnostics

Whenever you are updating content on your website, you need to make sure that it is in tip-top shape. Consistent testing and diagnostics can help you avoid issues in your web design that can affect your bottom line.

While a website redesign can improve your web presence, this process can be riddled with issues if you aren’t careful. If you want your website to function optimally and provide the return on investment that you want, make sure you follow these tips.